So why is the world so in love with caffeine? Well, we are all familiar with these common positive side-effects of the drug:
- Temporarily wards off drowsiness.
- Increases your drive to get work done.
- Helps take your exercise sessions to a higher level.
- Some studies have shown that caffeine is good for your mind and helps ward off Alzheimer's.
The list of negative, common side-effects from the overuse of caffeine is significantly longer. To name a few:
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Dry Mouth
- Muscle tremors ("the shakes")
- Dry mouth
- Increased heart rate
- Digestive issues
- Decreased or increased hunger
- Anxiety
- Dehydration (caffeine is a diuretic)
Taking all of this into consideration, regular caffeine users build a tolerance to many of the negative side-effects listed above. Like most things in life, in moderation caffeine is not such a bad thing. It's important to stop, think, and become aware of possible side-effects before we put food and drink into our bodies, especially something we consume every day.
i require 1 cup a day or i get headaches by 11am... :(
ps - you know how you have to type a word verification to leave a comment? and it's usually a nonsense word? well mine for this comment is "grind." ha. like coffeeee.
Wow, great coincidence with the word verification. Or was it...? :)
And don't be hard on yourself -- I drink caffeine, too. You're a healthy gal, and generally everything in moderation is okay. Now, if you were drinking 4 Red Bulls a day in addition to your morning coffee THEN you would have a problem.
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