Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 Has Come to An End

This time last year my sole resolution was to make 2009 the best year I could make it. I decided to live every day to its fullest (trite, yet effective), and all in all I had a wonderful year...  
  • I started a blog, inspired by the awesomeness of a great blog a friend shared with me.
  • I was able to let go of some things in my past, and find a peace within myself that I hadn't had in a long time.
  • I started new relationships with positive, astounding people, who have already taught me so much.
  • My yoga practice grew exponentially, changing me in too many ways to list.
  • I grew spiritually.
  • Literally every day I learned something new about life, love, other people, spirituality, yoga.
So, it's time to make some resolutions for next year. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging. But some things are just better not posted on the Internet for all to see. With that considered, I'll share some of my resolutions for the coming year, which I will also blog about as the days pass...
  • I resolve to have more compassion, empathy, and love for others.
  • I heard on a podcast last week (by Tara Brach) a suggestion of committing to meditate at least 15 minutes per day for 30 days, and see how my mind changes. This is my first resolution.
  • I resolve to watch even less television than I did in 2009 (another last-minute resolution from ending-'08), and to not start watching a new show that I don't already record to my DVR. TV is great, but in 2010 I want to be a more productive member of society, and not know the names of all of the characters from NBC's new hit shows.
  • For years I've made physical resolutions for myself that were nearly unobtainable (to have a six pack within so many months, etc). This year I am going to choose 10 yoga poses that I struggle with, and plan to (hopefully) master them by year end. More blogging on this to come.
  • I resolve to rid the clutter in my life, including in my home, in my relationships, in my mind, and in my activities.
Thank you for reading my blog. As I've said before, my intentions for this blog are to to share with others information I've learned or found to be helpful in my own life, and also to communicate and build relationships with like-minded people who follow my blog and would like to connect. This still stands true. I hope that in 2009 you enjoyed the start of this blog, and will continue to read my blog in 2010, as well.

Do you have any suggestions for what you'd like for me to blog about? (Fitness, Nutrition, Vegan Living, Recipes, Yoga?) I look forward to 2010, and trust that it will be a great year for growth, new friendships, and for focusing on the meaningful moments in life. Shouldn't each moment mean something?

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