Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's officially winter time.

Every year when winter rolls around I inevitably get a slight head cold. I try to eat well year round, always drink at least 64 ounces of water each day (or 3 bottles), and always remember the southern advice my grandmother gave me about not going outside without shoes on from September until May. (Okay so maybe I never follow that advice, except November-January. Plus, I have a dog. Sometimes closed-toed shoes, or any shoes, aren't readily available when she rings her bell to go outside.) I digress. My point is, I try to take care of myself but somehow end up with a cold anyway.

Here is a list of my favorite head-cold remedies:
  • Celestial Seasonings Wellness Tea. Every time I make it, I continue to be amazed at how hot tea can cause a cooling sensation in my mouth. Read the fine print before you try this tea. It can interact with some medicines, and isn't suited for everyone due to the echinacea. (Also, as with most Celestial Seasoning marketing, I love the box. The box I have now has a little koala bear on the front, wrapped up in a blanket, sipping tea at his tree house table. The online version is not as cute.)
  • Amy's Lentil Soup. When I'm not feeling well, the last thing I want to do is cook. Amy's Kitchen is my fave go-to brand when I eat processed food. Their products are minimally processed, mostly made with organic ingredients (non-GMO, chemical free, etc), is an entirely vegetarian company, and definitely delish. Amy's lentil soup is sooo good, and saves me the extra time in the kitchen when I want a warm, healthy meal to help me recover faster.
  • Yoga. Yoga has many benefits, one of which is a boost the immune system. Note: It is a bad idea to go to yoga (especially hot yoga) when you're sick and possibly contagious. While I'm sick, I try to stay out of large groups of people and simply continue my daily practice at home. Don't spread germs!
  • DirectTv. My ongoing goal is to be a more productive member of society. Alas, I love television. And several years ago, I was introduced to DVR, which totally changed the way I watch TV. When I'm sick, I find my favorite spot on the couch, a big blanket, and befriend the remote guilt-free.
  • Ricola Sugar Free Lemon cough drops. I like to keep cough drops in the fridge, and try not to use them continuously, but only when I really need one. Sugar free, and natural cough drops are the way to go.

Well, back to bed for me. I'm on the path to recovery. Woo hoo! What do you do to care for yourself when you catch a cold?


Synaura said...

Daily meal should be planned accordingly to ensure balanced nutrition. Reduce the amount of fat, sugar and sodium to boost nutritional content in the food.

Nikki said...

Definitely! Thanks for your input.