Monday, February 22, 2010

Words to Live By

"I can sum up in three words what life has taught me: It goes on."
- Robert Frost

Let's get crazy...

The Fresh Market is a gem of a store. Being right near my home, and full of delectible, healthy food options, it is one of my most frequented grocery outlets (not to diss Earth Fare, the health food store that stole my heart).

I digress. The Fresh Market has a section of fresh and minimally-processed fruit and nut mixes. You'll find them near the front of the store, in a barrel-like display that is 15 feet long, with 2 sides of double rows full of sweet, savory, spicy, and sweet and savory options to choose from. My favorite fruit and nut mix is the "Gourmet Nut Blend." Sigh... It's a mix of dried cherries, cranberries, pistacious, walnuts, and peanuts. It. Is. So. Addictive.

Be careful, though, with the amount of these fruit and nut mixes you eat in one sitting. Yes, the fats are healthy ones and the sugar is naturally occuring and not a chemically processed addition. However, too much of a good thing can still be a bad thing if you don't focus on maintaining a balanced diet.

My point? In moderation, fruit and nut mixes are a great option to keep at your work station, in the car, in your gym bag for a pick-me-up after a hard workout, or in a container on your kitchen counter if you have a sudden craving to snack. If you're trying to lose weight, or (like me) just want to keep healthy snack options on hand when you're in a pinch, I highly recommend the Gourmet Nut Blend. Just don't say I didn't warn you about its addictive deliciousness.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Words to Live By

"One will never get any more than he thinks he can get. You have what it takes. Look back and see your progress -- damn the torpedo, full speed ahead!"

- Bruce Lee

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Buried Treasure: Found on a shelf, not on an island.

I don't get sick often, but when I do it comes on quickly. I felt my head getting fuzzy yesterday afternoon, and when I rolled slowly out of bed I could tell a cold was on its way...

Today I found a great supplement: ACE Fast Relief. I took the recommended dosage around 1:00 PM after a hearty meal, and now (around 3:45) can already tell a difference! I'm still a little stuffy, and feel fuzzy headed, but much improved since I woke up this morning. I'm not just pushing a great product here, but also applauding the wellness/natural food industry for so many dependable, all natural whole food supplements that are available these days. Less negative side effects, more positive side effects than maybe intended, and many vegan options to choose from.

In actuality, I should be blogging about preventative wellness, and how to ward off colds. I think I've overdone it lately with everything I've had going on, and just haven't rested enough. C'est la vie. I can't expect to be superwoman. But hopefully the Buried Treasure ACE Fast Relief will ease my symptoms, paired with napping near the space heater, cuddling with my darling dog, lots of H20, heavy blankets, and some great books. This, too, shall pass...