Friday, October 30, 2009

A Complaint Free World

Several years ago, I heard of an organization that was promoting a complaint-free lifestyle. The concept is to wear a purple bracelet on your wrist as a reminder to keep your complaints to yourself, therefore preventing negative energy from spreading to others. I ordered a bracelet (for free on their site), and gave it a shot.

Honestly, I have no idea where the bracelet is now. I did, however, reach my goal of 14 days complaint-free. It was much tougher than I thought it would be, and I consider myself to be a generally positive person. I did learn to keep my negativity to myself, and grew from the experience. Really, what's the good in complaining to someone and bringing that person down, when you can just change your mind and decide to look at the brighter side of life?

According to the Complaint-Free website, the organization envisions a day when people focus on and speak about what they desire things to be rather than complaining about how things are.

We all complain about things now and again, but try for yourself to hold your complaints for an entire day and see how you do. It's not as easy as one may think. Focusing on positive things, rather than the negative, can absolutely make a difference in your life.

To learn more, visit the Complaint Free World website!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Can't live without it.

Peanut butter is a staple in my diet. Yes, I'm also fond of almond butter and the like, but whenever I decide to branch out I always seem to stick with peanut butter as part of my snacking routine, and sometimes at breakfast. I like many different minimally-processed brands, and prefer chunky and organic.

Peanut butter is not just delectable, but it's good for you, too:
  • Provides essential vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E, Niacin, Phosphorous & Magnesium
  • Is Cholesterol Free and can help improve your HDL-LDL ratio
  • Contains fiber, offering about as much as ½ cup of broccoli
  • Good source of natural folic acid, an essential nutrient during pregnancy and in the prevention of heart disease

Thanks to one of my fave PB distributors Peanut Butter & Co. for the well-written stats.

My favorite peanut butter snack is--hands down--cold apple slices with chunky peanut butter and hot vanilla tea. I could eat it every day, and sometimes I do!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Break the Fast

Breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day. Do you eat breakfast every day? At least something for breakfast every day? Yes, I realize not everyone likes to eat breakfast, and many people say they don't have time for breakfast. But in literal terms, the word "breakfast" came about because when we eat in the mornings we are literally breaking the fast. Think about it. If you eat dinner at 6:30 PM, and don't snack before you go to bed, your body could go 18 hours without nourishment if you don't eat lunch until 12:30 PM the next day.

What are some benefits of eating breakfast every day?
  • Breakfast refuels glucose levels (glucose comes from carbohydrates), and in turn gives you more energy throughout your day.
  • You'll be more focused and alert.
  • You may notice increased productivity at work.
  • Blood sugar levels will regulate.
  • If you have problems with overeating, breakfast helps control your hunger pangs later in the day.
Some quick ideas for breakfast:
  • Buy some pre-washed, pre-cut fruit to keep in your fridge, or spend 30 minutes on Sunday afternoon washing and cutting fruit for the week so it's easy to grab on the go.
  • Keep some 100% whole grain bagels on hand (whole grains are the best carbs to choose). Store your bagels near your toaster so you can pop one in to toast while you're getting ready for the day.
  • Buy some Luna bars or your favorite protein/granola bar for a healthy option that you can eat in the car on the way to work.
  • If you have time to eat at home, keep some quick oats on hand so you won't have to fiddle (yes, fiddle) with the oven before 8:00 AM. They're microwavable, and delish if you add cinnamon, milk/almond milk, fruit, walnuts or raisins. Plus, what a nutritional powerhouse!
  • I've blogged before about how much I love Amy's products. Her breakfast burritos are terrific, filling, inexpensive, and a great way to start the day.

So if you're "not a breakfast person," do your stomach a favor and try starting your day with at least a little something to eat, even if it's a piece of cold, leftover pizza (though not my best nutritional recommendation!).

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Different Strokes for Different Folks

I always liked learning about George Washington Carver, the promoter of peanuts, sweet potatoes, botany, humanitarianism, and positive thinking. These words often spring to my mind when I find myself becoming frustrated with someone or with a situation:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."

-George Washington Carver

A Contract With Myself

Have you ever had a habit that you just can't seem to drop? Try writing a contract with yourself. You can title it just that. For example, let's say you'd like to stop eating fast food for breakfast every day. First, set a realistic goal. If you've been going by your fave eatery and eating a sausage & gravy biscuit every day for the last 3 years, it may be tough to quit cold turkey (no animal puns intended). Lean into the change, and make your goal something you can actually reach. Then, try writing down a commitment to yourself, and involve a witness if you need to.


I, (your name here), am making a commitment to myself to stop eating sausage & gravy biscuits for breakfast every day. I will do this by (how will you do it?) replacing 4 fast food breakfasts a week with fruit, oatmeal, or whole grain cereal with low fat milk. I will do this (how often?) 4 days per week for 7 days, progressively phasing out fast food for breakfast completely. I am doing this so that (why are you doing this?) I will cut unneeded calories out of my diet, and start my day with a nourishing meal. I will reward myself by feeling good about myself and by making my own healthy version of a sausage & gravy buiscuit at home once per month.

Sign and date your contract and keep it close by in case temptations arise. If you're leaning on a friend to help hold you accountable, ask if they will sign your contract, too.

Metta: Loving Kindness

"…Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life even so let one cultivate a boundless love towards all beings. Let him radiate boundless love towards the entire world — above, below, and across — unhindered, without ill will, without enmity. Standing, walking, sitting or reclining, as long as he is awake, let him develop this mindfulness. This, they say, is 'Noble Living' here…”

- The Buddha

Friday, October 16, 2009

The World's #1 Drug of Choice

In my lifetime, I've given up caffeine at least 10 times for various reasons: to save money, to stop my cravings/dependence, to think more clearly, to sleep better. Somehow, after getting over the withdrawals, I always seem to make my way back toward caffeinated Tulsi green teas (definitely not the choice for you if you prefer low-caf green tea) and berry flavored 5 Hour Energy. Inevitably, each time the seasons move toward fall and winter, I drink coffee, too. Like many people, I am sensitive to large amounts of caffeine and grow cranky after having too much coffee. Not fun for anyone.

So why is the world so in love with caffeine? Well, we are all familiar with these common positive side-effects of the drug:
  • Temporarily wards off drowsiness.
  • Increases your drive to get work done.
  • Helps take your exercise sessions to a higher level.
  • Some studies have shown that caffeine is good for your mind and helps ward off Alzheimer's.

The list of negative, common side-effects from the overuse of caffeine is significantly longer. To name a few:

  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Dry Mouth
  • Muscle tremors ("the shakes")
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased heart rate
  • Digestive issues
  • Decreased or increased hunger
  • Anxiety
  • Dehydration (caffeine is a diuretic)

Taking all of this into consideration, regular caffeine users build a tolerance to many of the negative side-effects listed above. Like most things in life, in moderation caffeine is not such a bad thing. It's important to stop, think, and become aware of possible side-effects before we put food and drink into our bodies, especially something we consume every day.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hot High Lunges

Recently, I was reading a friend's blog and decided to give hot yoga a try. I was apprehensive at first, but love it now. I still practice "normal," not hot yoga, too. Recently my favorite pose has been a high lunge pose or Warrior I.

Though these poses look similar, in the high lunge pose your back foot is facing straightforward, with your toes toward the front of the mat. In Warrior I your back foot is turned out, with your back toes turning past the outside of your front foot. You'll feel the differences in each pose, but I've found strength in my hips and legs, and enjoy the space created in my spine with the high lunge.

Try this pose for yourself! Be sure to keep your front ankle over your knee (to keep your knee safe), and always keep your back ankle pointed down and toward the back of your mat. It's unbelievably important when practicing hot yoga to always remember to keep your joints in line and not to overextend you knees. Know your limits and get rid of your ego. Also, use a mirror to keep your hips in check: always turned forward and balanced.


I haven't dressed up for Halloween in almost 10 years. Hard to believe, but somehow true. This year I've enjoyed the season shifting into fall, and look forward to a fun day at the end of October. I don't enjoy anything about the concept of trick-or-treating, but do love making fun, semi-healthy treats for family and friends.

Martha always has great ideas for decorating cakes. I doubt this amount of sugar could be healthy for you, but I love it. -->
By the way, on her site Martha calls this creation The Boo-tiful Cake.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

You don't lose when you snooze.

Sleep. We all do it, though some more than others. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Though it's sometimes hard to do, it's important to make sleep a priority. If you really think about it, sleep is correlated to when and how much we eat, when (or if) we exercise, and how we function on a daily basis.

Have you ever heard someone talk about "getting their beauty sleep"? Well, they weren't kidding. While we sleep our tissues are repairing themselves, and insufficient sleep can affect our hormonal balance. Getting enough deep sleep will help your skin repair itself, thus making your complexion brighter.

Some of the benefits of being well-rested (7-9 hours of sleep per night)?
  • Better concentration throughout the day.
  • Decreased stress levels.
  • Sleep interacts with blood vessels, helping to keep your heart healthy.
  • More energy and alertness throughout the day.
  • Sleep helps the brain to commit new information to memory.
  • You'll be in a better mood after a full night of sleep, rather than being cranky after a restless night.

Sweet dreams!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things that make me happy...

  • The happy greeting my dog gives me when she sees me walk in the door.
  • Feeling rain fall on me.
  • Vegan cuisine.
  • The grounded, connected feeling I have while standing next to the ocean.
  • Making new friends.
  • My planner.
  • Rising with (generally before) the sun.
  • Deep breathing.
  • Crisp fall breezes.
  • Seeing flocks of birds fly near me.
  • Drinking a big glass of water first thing in the morning.
  • Witty banter.
  • The cleansing, renewed sensation that comes with yoga (especially hot yoga).
  • Making someone smile.
  • Witnessing kindness.
  • Learning new information or ideas that open my mind.
  • Meeting goals I set for myself, then making new ones or exceeding them.
  • Cooperative curly hair days.
  • The unconditional acceptance of a true friend.

We all have the control to create our own happiness and beautiful days in life. Make the choice to focus on the good things.

Monday, October 12, 2009

An onion a day?

Did you know that onions are in the Lily family? Or that early American settlers and also in Chinese medicine onions are used to treat colds, coughs, breathing problems and chest pain?

I get it. Onions aren't the most popular vegetable. Personally, onions are in my top 5 foods for life. The stronger the onion, the more I'll love it. If you're into milder onion flavor, you'll still reap health benefits from incorporating onions into your regular diet. Onions have also been proven to be good for your colon health, help lower high blood pressure, and possibly help ward off cancer.

What are you waiting for? Enjoy a few slices of crisp, red onions on your next salad or sandwich. Then brush your teeth promptly.

The Rainy Day

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
The vine still clings to the moldering wall,
But at every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the moldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast
And the days are dark and dreary.

Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark and dreary.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Rainy Day

Friday, October 9, 2009


My all-time favorite celebrity chef is Jamie Oliver. He's from Essex, and is hilarious, unique, and adorable. He's a brilliant and creative chef and restaurateur. I could go on... True, many of the meals he makes are full of foods I don't eat. But generally, his dishes are healthy and organic.

I was very happy to learn that Jamie will be on a new ABC series that will teach both adults and children the basic skills for cooking healthful, economical meals at home. He will also work with local schools on eliminating junk food in vending machines and in cafeterias, replacing reheated processed foods with meals cooked from scratch with fresh ingredients. I especially loved (and winced at) this article from the UK's Telegraph: Jamie Oliver signs US TV deal to make Americans give up hamburgers. Yes, the bulk of America isn't as health conscious as some other parts of the world, but there are still some of us who do care about our health and well being. Ah, well. Thanks to Jamie for trying to help our fellow citizens become more health conscious.

PS If you haven't ever seen his show, try to catch "Jamie at Home." It's the best.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stayin' Alive

Today I received my CPR and AED (Automatic Electronic Defibrillator) certification through my local Red Cross. I always thought I knew how to do CPR on someone if I ever had to, and if the situation came up I may have been able to do it half-right. But really, I had no idea. Our class practiced actual CPR on realistic dummies, learned how to do the Heimlich Maneuver, what to do if you witness an injury, and other details about CPR and how to act in emergency situations.

I must say that I was a little disappointed that my instructor didn't share with us some "fun" tips about CPR and the Heimlich that I've picked up over the years. For instance, did you know that when doing chest compressions during CPR you should compress the chest to the tempo of The Bee Gees' hit "Stayin' Alive?" It's true! My instructor said she'd never heard this before, but I proved my case by singing aloud to the group while practicing CPR on my dummy. The instructor didn't laugh, but my classmates appreciated the tip and the free entertainment.

All joking aside, what I learned today is valuable knowledge that could save a life! I encourage you to visit your local American Red Cross chapter to find out more about getting certification that you will carry with you your whole life. Click here for more information about CPR certification from The American Red Cross.


Have you ever tried meditation? In this busy world we live in, so many people are constantly on the go, with constant thoughts flowing through their minds. Every now and again our minds need to take a break! Anyone can meditate, and it doesn't require special equipment, money, or a great deal of time. Just start where you are.
The benefits of meditation? Here are only a few:
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved focus
  • Gaining the ability to let go of emotions you've been holding on to
  • More mindful actions and speech
  • Improved posture
So how do you start? Find a comfortable seated position. If possible, sit on the floor on a cushion with your spine straight, in a cross-legged position. If you have back problems or are not able to sit comfortably for more than 5 minutes in a cross-legged position on the floor, sitting tall in a chair will also work. Clear your mind, and focus on the breath. When thoughts arise, recognize that you are thinking them (without judgement) and try to let them float away.

If you're interested in learning more about meditation, or would like to experience a guided meditation class, look for a yoga studio or meditation center near you. If you live in the Upstate South Carolina area, you may also try visiting North Main Yoga on your lunch hour for some guided meditation with a very kind and helpful instructor. Visit this link to learn more.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


One of the most vital things we can do for our bodies, our health, and well-being is to drink water. Think about it: our bodies are composed of 60 to 70 percent of water. And if you are active, sweat a lot, drink alcohol, or drink lots of caffeine then you should drink more water than you think you should.

How much water should we be drinking every day? The number is different for everyone, but a good way to estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. This will give you the number of ounces of water per day that you need to drink. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink at least 70 ounces of water per day. You should also keep in mind that food accounts for about 20 percent of your total fluid intake, depending on what one eats in a given day. (Example: watermelon has more water than bread.)

The benefits of staying hydrated?
  • If you're trying to lose weight, not only will water help you feel fuller, but it also flushes out toxins and fat. Plus, water is calorie free!
  • Adequate liquid intake is vital for staying healthy or for fighting off sickness.
  • Water helps with digestion.
  • You'll be more alert! Did you know that your brain is 90% water?
  • Water is great for your skin, and can help your skin stay clear and glowing.

Many times when we feel that we are hungry, we may actually be thirsty! So before you binge on a high-calorie snack, drink a glass of water first. If you're not a big water-drinker, try for just one day to double or triple the amount of water you drink in a given day. Odds are you'll notice a difference immediately!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ever hear it's the little things that count?

The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions,
the little soon-forgotten charities of
a kiss or smile,a kind look, or heartfelt compliment.

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Monday, October 5, 2009

Words to Live By

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent."
- Marilyn vos Savant

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yoga: Good for the abs!

Someone who has never tried yoga before may think that yoga is something people do to relax or become more flexible. While both of these points are definitely benefits of yoga, when done properly yoga can be a full body workout, and for many yogis becomes a way of life - on and off the mat.

I love yoga for many reasons. When I practice daily, I feel calmer, have better digestion, deeper sleep, and feel more focused and fit. A major "theme" in yoga is strengthening and engaging your core. Yes, I am still aiming for my goal to have ripped abs, but strong abs are also important for protecting your low back muscles from injury and also helps your overall posture.

Some of my favorite yoga poses for the abs:
(Images from


Boat Pose
Paripurna Navasana

Bridge Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Bow Pose

If you'd like to learn how to do each of these poses, you could visit Yoga Journal's website for step-by-step instructions. Caution: if you are pregnant or have neck and/or back issues, these postures are not recommended for you. To learn more about these poses and many others, you could also try a yoga class for yourself! Yoga Journal (if you can't tell, my top favorite online yoga resource) also has a yoga directory that may help you find a yoga studio near you. Of course, many studios are not in the directory, but the directory may give you a starting place (as will your Yellow Pages).

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Gandhi!

In 2007 the UN decided to make October 2nd the International Day of Non-Violence, in honor of Mahatma Gandhi's positive footprint he made on the world. Today also happens to be his birth date (October 2nd, 1869).

Some of Gandhi's words to live by:

"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?Then you will find your doubts and your self will melt away."

"A right cause never fails, a true word never hurts in the end."

"When we know that death may snatch us away at any time, what right have we to put off till tomorrow what we can do today?"

"You must sing and dance with joy in all conditions...You must wear a smile over your face, no matter what comes to pass."

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

"The Past belongs to us, but we do not belong to the Past. We belong to the present. We are makers of the Future, but we do not belong to the Future."

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy World Vegetarian Day!

While I realize that we are all different people, with varying backgrounds, beliefs, and opinions, we should all be aware of the effects our daily diets have on our Earth and the creatures we share our Earth with. Today is World Vegetarian Day, the kickoff for World Vegetarian Month! If everyone on Earth stopped eating meat for just one day, let alone an entire month, the effect would be felt world-wide.

My 3 main reasons for avoiding animal products?
  • My health.
    - Did you ever meet a lima bean with a liver? All animal products contain cholesterol, and many types of meats and cheeses are packed with unneeded saturated fats, genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), and hormones that don't belong in our bodies.
  • The environment.
    - Factories that produce animal products are destroying our Earth.
  • Ethical reasons.
    - Personally, I find eating other sentient beings to be a conflict with my beliefs and the way I want to live my life.

If you're interested in learning more about vegetarianism or veganism, here are some of my favorite books and resources that I think you may enjoy:

BOOKS (all can be found in the Public Library):
Being Vegetarian for Dummies
The Ethics of What We Eat
Six Arguments for a Greener Diet

WEBSITES: : Vegetarian and Vegan Information. : Great food, good health, smart living. : The Vegetarian Resource Group.

Before you judge and think all vegetarians are nuts (no pun intended), do some research for yourself and try to refrain from eating meat for a few days, just to see how you feel and how easy it is to leave meat out of your diet.